Hi all,
CYK is slacking, after an entire day of studying.
Was searching for an Econ textbook (my lecturer is so good I didn't have to refer to it for the past 3 weeks!) on my bookshelf when I found the book you guys wrote in. Flipped through, and decided to quote certain lines written by certain people, and see if you remember.
I've read those messages word by word before, but it was nearly 2 years back. To be very honest, I didn't bring it home (HK) the moment I left home (SG), but only when I left home (Melb) last summer. After that, it rests safely on my shelf, beside some dictionaries I haven't touched for ages (a Chinese dictionary with Cantonese phonics and a German - Chinese/ Chinese - German dictionary... Now I know where my money went...)
So anyway... Here it goes... (Flipping from page 1...)
"... whatever you do, and whatever that you strongly believe in, do not give up. Fight for your belief, like you did when you're with us..."
"初次相见,你给我的印象是个'dao'者,认识以后才发现你并不'dao',……非常可靠的homework source……在哪儿若有①美女②会下棋的③会下棋的美女,记得介绍给我 =D……不要长得太高,哈哈"
“Panda最大的2个wish是什么?” (As for riddles, I'm not typing answers here!)
"Class bonding doesn't happen naturally and it takes time and effort to make a class united... Xiao Ying hurrying me already, so must keep this short. OK..."
“想念和你一同上GP班、一起搭巴士、一起吃饭和闲聊与八卦的日子 =P... we are just an email away! =P”
"Try to stay true to yourself... Every day is a brand new start and promises to be full of surprises."
"What did A say to B on the bus?"
"If 1 = 5; 2 = 25; 3 = 125; 4 = 625; 5 = ?"
“你要好好地飞……” (The rest is so touching I don't dare to read it the second time...)
"'Who's the most hardworking person in our class?' 'JUNJIE!' 'DUO!!'"
"In lecture theatre... 'Who can answer this question?' 'JUUNN JUUEE~!'"
[A picture revealing the truth: RJ's taller than CGZhen.] (Sorry arh... I'm also RJ. Just quoting directly.)
“真郁闷 写这个比GP还难……(好了好了不写了)”
"thanks for your homework source, now 1 less person to copy homework from le =("