Friday, February 22, 2008

jukebox - feat. bevlyn khoo

I am so over the moon when i saw this short review of the album! super happy~~~ lol
I want to use this chance to strongly recommend this album to all of you!!! lol


Reasons why You have to take note of her and listen to her songs:
1. She is our Hwa Chong alumni!!!
2. Its a trilingual ep ; with songs in mandarin, english and even french!
3. The songs are original self-penned! * talented! *
4. This is an album which she has invested time and resources into and there are no big labels supporting her... * she did it by herself! *
5. She has a great voice!

what more can i say...the fact that she is our great x 10 grand senior provides sufficient evidence to support her! lol

some honest comments from a musician working in the singapore arts scenes gives us a peek at the pains and difficulties of the problems they face - "It’s ironic that while technology has helped musicians a whole lot over recent years, yet musicians are gradually slaughtered by technology because there is still no way out of piracy."

You’ll Never Find Another Love Like Mine
By Michael Bublé & Laura Pausini

according to her, "- be warned, this is sizzling HOT! The chemistry is 1st degree burn category".

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